snow day

Snow Day Picture-Booking

IMG_3322 Because it is doing this today, school is closed, and I am busy at the Little Red Writing Desk. IMG_3320


I’m dressed for adventure in my Agent Carter t-shirt, IMG_3318IMG_3319                                                                                 and patched from an earlier mishap in a Scooby Doo bandage. (Why I still have Scooby Doo bandages in the house, is a mystery…)

I’m picture-booking, studying Last Stop on Market Street, written by Matt De La Pena and illustrated by Christian Robinson. It just won the Newbery (yes, a picture book!) and a boatload of other awards, so it might be worth my time to figure out why it is so special. And it is. Then, with any luck and a lot of hard work, I can apply what I learn to my own projects.

Hint of the day: Use an old desk calendar page to see a whole picture book at once. Fold the page until you have 32 boxes in which to write the text and mark where illustrations go. IMG_3321

What are you working on today?

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