News & Events

On the radio and in the news:

Our Book Lauch, book fairs, and reading events for Stronger When We Touch have been truly joyous.

On the road with Stronger When We Touch.

A great trip to read and present at the Appalachian Studies Association Conference held at Western Carolina University, March 7-9, 2024.

The Ohioana Book Festival at the Columbus Metropolitan Library on April 20, 2024 was amazing for all.

Other Updates:

After ten years of participation with the Women of Appalachia Project/Women Speak series, I took a break to devote time to new writing projects, I came back to celebrate 15 years of this amazing project and these incredible women. Click the link above for upcoming appearances.

Come Learn with Me:

Do you know a want-to-be-writer or hopeful poet? Please pass the word that I’m leading a weekend retreat for beginning writers in November 2024 at the amazing Rockvale Writer’s Colony in rural Tennessee. I enjoyed a fall retreat there in October of 2023, and I’m delighted to be returning as a facilitator. Please check out details here.

Blasts from the Past:

The Ohioana Book Festival 2017:

The Athens Author Fair at the Athens, Ohio Public Library 2017:

The Poetry of Place Program at the Athens,Ohio Public Library 2016:

Poetry of Place 2016

Getting the Mail Book Launch Party, August 26, 2016 at The Maple Lawn Brewery in Pomeroy, Ohio:

Getting the Mail

My chapbook, Getting the Mail, was accepted by Finishing Line Press in Georgetown, Kentucky in November, 2015.

My friend, Sally Stanton, who graduated with me from the Solstice MFA Program in 2013 created the amazing cover art for my book.

I received my MFA in July of 2013 from the Solstice MFA Program in Chestnut Hill, MA